Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bassnectar leaves the scene falling all over itself.

Bassnectar was in town yesterday, and I'd been dieing since December to see him, and in hindsight I should've bought it a lot earlier, but it turns out I waited too long and he sold out the day before I was to buy them. But I'll see him in a couple months at Bonnaroo. Night show, fuck yeah! This vid is a compilation of his 2010 tour set to one of my favorite tunes of his, "Falling" featuring Paper Machete with the vocals.


  1. There are quite a few epic shows I've missed out on for that same reason. Feels bad, man. Have fun at Bonnaroo!

  2. Bassnectar makes such filthy dub. Check out mny blog too, I post daily dubstep videos. Huge fan of bassnectar, ctwo and datsik

  3. Great post, keep up the great work with the blog. I'll be sure to return!!

  4. I would never ever miss bassnectar... I want to I want to!

  5. i love bassnectar! i want to go see them +1
